Educational Assessment Enhancement using Multiagent Simulation: Children's Progress, Incorporated

Elizabeth Sklar, Brooklyn College

Children's Progress, Inc. (CPI) administers online, dynamic assessment for young children in language arts and mathematics at public and independent schools across the country, including several cities in New York State. This project builds on CUNY Professor Elizabeth Sklar's work on simEd, an abstract, agent-based simulation of learning environments that includes a classroom" model representing students and teachers as "agents" and demonstrates patterns in student learning effected by various teacher behaviors. The project has two major goals: (1) to adapt the abstract simEd classroom model to data already collected by CPI, demonstrating the effectiveness of multiagent simulation as a means for visualizing and analyzing complex, multi-dimensional educational assessment data; and (2) to design and implement a prototype Simulation-based Environment for Analysis (SEA) that will enhance CPI's existing reporting mechanism.

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